
Every industrial revolution will affect all aspects of life including Islamic education, as will the current industrial revolution 4.0 which has, is and will continue to influence all aspects of Islamic education, including influencing of learning media in Islamic education, and it is impossible for us to almost avoid this influence. Each influence brings positive and negative sides, and which will always be studied, how to maximize the positive side and minimize or avoid the negative side. This study will discuss how is the concept of Islamic learning media in this milenial era. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis technique by using library research design. The results of this study reveal that learning media for the industrial era 4.0. namely technology-based learning media of the industrial era 4.0 is the right learning media for learning of students in this milenial era such as social media which incidentally is very familiar among the students. Considering this problem is a problem that the world of education is currently facing, this study is a very important to be constantly examined by Islamic religious education experts.


  • The results of this study reveal that learning media for the industrial era 4.0. namely technologybased learning media of the industrial era 4.0 is the right learning media for learning of students in this milenial era such as social media which incidentally is very familiar among the students

  • P. dan Sasonohardjo, Media Pembelajaran Bahan Ajar Diklat Kewidyaiswaraan Berjengjang Tingkat I, Lembaga Administrasi Negara, 2002

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Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa generasi milennial cenderung malas untuk memvalidasi kebenaran berita yang mereka terima dan cenderung menerima informasi hanya dari satu sumber, yaitu media sosial, inilah kondisi peserta didik saat ini, yang lebih memanfaatkan dan percaya dengan media sosial dalam kegiatannya sehari-hari. Menurut Sobaih, media sosial dapat menjadi platform yang tepat untuk menjembatani kesenjangan digital antara negara maju dan berkembang dan juga antara lembaga dan peserta didik digital mereka dalam konteks negara berkembang. Selanjutnya Balakrishnan & Lay, mengungkapkan bahwa media sosial harus diintegrasikan ke dalam bagian kurikulum pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan tinggi harus dilakukan hanya setelah melakukan analisis yang mendalam dan menyeluruh di mana adanya pedoman yang jelas berkaitan dengan penggunaan alat tersebut harus disediakan untuk keduanya, yaitu pengajar dan peserta didik. Tabel Sintaks Model Pembelajaran Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Media Sosial (Modifikasi dari Mulyasa, 2016).

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