
DeepFake detection is a novel task for media forensics and is currently receiving a lot of research attention due to the threat these targeted video manipulations propose to the trust placed in video footage. The current trend in DeepFake detection is the application of neural networks to learn feature spaces that allow them to be distinguished from unmanipulated videos. In this paper, we discuss, with features hand-crafted by domain experts, an alternative to this trend. The main advantage that hand-crafted features have over learned features is their interpretability and the consequences this might have for plausibility validation for decisions made. Here, we discuss three sets of hand-crafted features and three different fusion strategies to implement DeepFake detection. Our tests on three pre-existing reference databases show detection performances that are under comparable test conditions (peak AUC > 0.95) to those of state-of-the-art methods using learned features. Furthermore, our approach shows a similar, if not better, generalization behavior than neural network-based methods in tests performed with different training and test sets. In addition to these pattern recognition considerations, first steps of a projection onto a data-centric examination approach for forensics process modeling are taken to increase the maturity of the present investigation.


  • Point out that “multimedia forensics and computer forensics belong to the class of digital forensics, but they differ notably in the underlying observer model that defines the forensic investigator’s view on reality, [. . . ] while perfect concealment of traces is possible for computer forensics, this level of certainty cannot be expected for manipulations of sensor data”

  • The evaluation of the created approaches for DeepFake detection is looking into aspects of performance, generalizability and plausibility of the decisions made (i.e., the kind of information summarized in the Data-Centric Examination Approach (DCEA) data type model for digitized forensics as Classification result data (DD8))

  • Since the individual detectors classify binary according to {DeepFake, OK}, the evaluation is carried out using the metrics’ true positive rate (TPR; a true positive (TP) in our case being a DeepFake detected as a DeepFake), true negative rate (TNR; a true negative (TN) being an unmodified video classified as OK), accuracy and Cohen’s kappa (κ)

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Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. In addition to the problems in estimating the plausibility of decisions of current (mostly neural network-driven) DeepFake detection methods, a second shortcoming in the current state of the art in this field has to be mentioned here: Apart from the considerations of efficiency (i.e., detection performance and plausibility), all forensic methods should aim at fulfilling some form of forensic conformity Criteria for such conformity should address the admissibility of methods as a basis for expert witnesses’ testimony as evidence in legal proceedings. Our approach shows a similar, if not better, generalization behavior (i.e., AUC drops from values larger than 0.9 to smaller than 0.7) than neural network based methods in tests performed with different training and test sets In addition to those detection performance issues, we discuss at length that the main advantage which hand-crafted features have over learned features is their interpretability and the consequences this might have for plausibility validation for decisions made.

Background and State of the Art
DeepFake Detection
Feature Space Design Alternatives
Solution Concept for DeepFake Detection with Hand-Crafted Features
Implementation of the Individual Detectors and the Fusion Operators
Individual Detectors Using Hand-Crafted Features
DeepFake Detection Based on Eye Blinking
DeepFake Detection Based on Mouth Region
DeepFake Detection Based on Image Foreground
Fusion Operators
Evaluation Results
Results for Individual Detectors
Results for Fusion Operators
Summary and Conclusions
Performances and Generalization Power
Comparison of Feature Concepts
Future Work
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