
Subplate (SP) neurons exhibit spontaneous plateau depolarizations mediated by connexin hemichannels. Postnatal (P1-P6) mice show identical voltage pattern and drug-sensitivity as observed in slices from human fetal cortex; indicating that the mouse is a useful model for studying the cellular physiology of the developing neocortex. In mouse SP neurons, spontaneous plateau depolarizations were insensitive to blockers of: synaptic transmission (glutamatergic, GABAergic, or glycinergic), pannexins (probenecid), or calcium channels (mibefradil, verapamil, diltiazem); while highly sensitive to blockers of gap junctions (octanol), hemichannels (La3+, lindane, Gd3+), or glial metabolism (DLFC). Application of La3+ (100 μM) does not exert its effect on electrical activity by blocking calcium channels. Intracellular application of Gd3+ determined that Gd3+-sensitive pores (putative connexin hemichannels) reside on the membrane of SP neurons. Immunostaining of cortical sections (P1-P6) detected connexins 26, and 45 in neurons, but not connexins 32 and 36. Vimentin-positive glial cells were detected in the SP zone suggesting a potential physiological interaction between SP neurons and radial glia. SP spontaneous activity was reduced by blocking glial metabolism with DFLC or by blocking purinergic receptors by PPADS. Connexin hemichannels and ATP release from vimentin-positive glial cells may underlie spontaneous plateau depolarizations in the developing mammalian cortex.

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