
Using the orbit-following code ASCOT, we have modelled fast ion transport in ITER under the influence of ELM control coils (ECCs), toroidal field ripple, and test blanket modules, with emphasis on how the plasma response (PR) modifies the transport mechanisms and fast ion loads on the divertor. We found that while PR shields the plasma by healing broken flux surfaces at the plasma periphery, it also opens a new loss channel for marginally trapped particles: PR causes strong toroidal variation of the poloidal field near the X-point which leads to de-localisation of banana tips and collisionless transport. The reduction in passing particle losses and the increase in marginally trapped particle losses shift divertor loads from targets to the dome and under-the-dome structures. The plasma response was calculated by both MARS-F and JOREK codes. The new transport mechanism was stronger for PR calculated by JOREK which, unlike MARS-F, explicitly includes the X-point.

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