
In this study, bio-phenolic resin (BPR) was synthesised using liquefied oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibres. Epoxidised natural rubber (ENR) was added to provide elastomeric properties and improve the phenolic resin brittleness. Three different types of NR/glass fibre prepregs using SMR-L, ENR-25 and ENR-50 were prepared and used in the fabrication of the bio-phenolic elastomer (BPE) glass composites. The composites were made by using hand lay-up technique. The ENR-50 showed the best compatibility with the BPR. The impact strength of the composites increased as much as 77.7% with the addition of 35wt% of ENR-50. Flexural test results indicated that the BPE composites possessed elastomeric properties. The ENR acted as a compatibiliser that helped in improving the wettability of the BPR on the surface of the glass fibres. Furthermore, approximately 47% of water absorbed by the BPE composites was reduced as the ENR-50 composition increased up to 35wt%.

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