
ABSTRACT Background Teacher identity is defined as a continuum of a person’s self-conviction (‘Identity is something I have’) and a context-dependent action (‘Identity is something I do in a context’) (Lankveld et al. 2021). It has been identified a relevant contributor to physicians’ teaching commitment. In this study, we further improve the currently only existing questionnaire instrument (37 items) measuring physicians’ teacher identity. Methods Survey data on 147 clinicians at a German university hospital were (1) analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). We tested (a) the model fits of the originally suggested scales and (b) potential for improvement of model fits by item reduction. As this could not reveal satisfactory fits for all scales, we (2) applied a principal axis factoring as an exploratory approach. Last, we combined findings from (1) and (2) with a theoretical item content discussion and suggest (3) reassembled scales which were again checked using CFA. Findings (1a) Two scales from the original instrument were successfully confirmed. (1b) Some scales benefited from item reduction. (2) The exploratory analysis identified three factors that explained at least 5% variance. (3) By integrating confirmatory and exploratory findings with a content analysis of the items, we propose a partially rearranged questionnaire instrument, comprising seven scales: (1) Feeling intrinsic satisfaction from teaching; (2) Feeling responsibility to teach; (3) Exchange of teaching experience; (4) Identification and enjoyment of the teaching role; (5) Development of teaching; (6) Teaching self-concept of ability; (7) Desired rewards for teaching. Four items were kept as single items. Conclusion We suggest that when assessing teacher identity in physicians, all items should be constructed to allow for responses, even from physicians who are presently not actively involved in teaching. The scales benefited from categorizing items based on the continuum of teacher identity as outlined by van Lankveld et al. (2021).

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