
The current study was part of a larger project on Indonesian EFL teachers’ digital creativity. Specifically, the aim of the current research was to validate the digital creativity proposed by Hoffmann et al. by assessing the reliability of the instrument, its unidimensionality, the effectiveness of the instrument rating scale, and the differential item functioning used to gather data related to the Indonesian teachers’ digital creativity. Quantitative methods were employed throughout the research. A total of 422 Indonesian EFL teachers of different ages, genders, and educational backgrounds participated in an online survey, which was then filtered until a sample size of 132 EFL primary school, 162 EFL junior high school, and 104 EFL senior high school teachers remained. The findings of this study showed that first, statistical results indicated that the instrument used was reliable, obtaining a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.99. Second, the instruments have achieved their research objectives in that there is an aspect of digital creativity which is considered in the teaching activities of Indonesian teachers. The results also suggested that there are differences in gender and age in EFL teachers’ digital creativity. This paper can be a useful reference for further research related to aspects which need to be fulfilled by teachers in the development of online teaching, considering the deficiencies found and offering solutions in subsequent research papers.

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