
Pulmonary macrophages exhibit a dose-dependent pattern in phagocytizing particles. Following engulfment, these macrophages are subsequently excreted with sputum, rendering macrophages and particles visible and quantifiable under light microscopy. Notably, elemental carbon within the mammalian body originates exclusively from external contaminants. Consequently, the carbon content in airway macrophages (CCAM) serves as a valid exposure biomarker, accurately estimating individual exposure to carbon-containing particulate matter (PM). This article delineates a protocol involving sputum collection, preservation, processing, slide preparation, and staining, as well as macrophage photo acquisition and analysis. After removing the macrophage nuclei, the proportion of cytoplasm area occupied by carbon particles (PCOC) was calculated to quantify carbon content in each macrophage. The results indicate an elevation in CCAM levels after exposure to carbon-containing PM. In summary, this non-invasive, precise, reliable, and standardized method enables the direct measurement of carbon particles within target cells and is utilized for large-scale quantification of individual CCAM through induced sputum.

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