
The compresslblllty factors and vapor pressures have been measured on Refrlgerant 502 by udng a Burnett apparatus. Refrlgerant 502 Is a mlnlmum-bolllng azeotrope of Refrigerant 22 (CHCIF2) and Refrlgerant 115 (CCIF,CF,). The results on the compresslblllty factor cover the range of temperatures from 273 to 383 K and of pressures from 0.12 to 12.3 MPa corresponding to a denslty variation from 4 to 1035 kg/ma. The experlmental uncertalnlty of these 149 results was estlmated to be f0.2 %. Twenty-flve measurements of vapor pressure were made for temperatures from 273 to 354 K wlth an experimental uncertainty of f0.05 %. A correlation of vapor pressures was proposed for temperatures from 170 to 355 K. The available experlmental P-V-Tdata are widely scattered by -f2% around the data reported here. None of the equations of state represents the volumelrlc behavlor of the present results.

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