
We measured the temperature dependence of the nitrogen broadening, narrowing and line-mixing coefficients of four lines of the P9 manifold in the ν 3 band of 12CH 4 for atmospheric purposes. The data were collected using our tunable diode laser (TDL) spectrometer with active wavenumber control coupled to a newly developed cold Herriott cell with a path length of 5.37 m and a temperature uniformity of better than 0.01 K along the cell. We recorded and analyzed spectra recorded at sample temperatures between 90 K and room temperature. We have investigated the influence of our new results in the inversion model used to retrieve methane profiles from atmospheric spectra; our new results make it possible to retrieve significantly more precise methane profiles. The atmospheric spectra we utilized were obtained by several of us with a balloon-born Fourier Transform infrared experiment in a limb configuration. Differences up to 7% on the retrieved volume mixing ratio were found compared to an inversion model using only HITRAN04 spectroscopic parameters.

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