
Thick target yields for proton induced γ-ray emission (PIGE) on low-Z nuclei, namely B, N, Na, Al and Si, were measured for proton energies from 2.5 to 4.1MeV and emission angles of 0°, 45° and 90°, at the 3 MV Tandetron laboratory of INFN-LABEC in Florence. The studied reactions were: 10B(p,α′γ)7Be (Eγ=429keV), 10B(p,p′γ)10B (Eγ=718keV) and 11B(p,p′γ)11B (Eγ=2125keV) for boron; 14N(p,p′γ)14N (Eγ=2313keV) for nitrogen; 23Na(p,p′γ)23Na (Eγ=441 and 1636keV) and 23Na(p,α′γ)20Ne (Eγ=1634keV) for sodium; 27Al(p,p′γ)27Al (Eγ=844 and 1014keV) and 27Al(p,α′γ)24Mg (Eγ=1369keV) for aluminum; 28Si(p,p′γ)28Si (Eγ=1779keV) and 29Si(p,p′γ)29Si (Eγ=1273keV) for silicon. The PIGE thick target yields have been measured with an overall uncertainty typically better than 10%. The use of the measured thick target yield to benchmark and validate experimental cross sections available in the literature is demonstrated.

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