
AbstractThe noise performance of a 32 channel p- surface channel CSD multiplexer for an infraredfocal plane array was measured at room temperature and at 160 K. Theoretical calculationswere made of the contributions from kTC noise, dark current noise, and interface state trap-ping noise. The calculated results agree well with the experimental values. The noise of theon -chip source follower output stage was below the 900 rms holes noise floor established forthe measuring system by the sample and hold. The calibration of the equipment was checked bycomparing the theoretical and measured noise values for optically injected charge carriers.The agreement was better than 10 %. We measured 1 to 2 times theoretical kTC noise with thepotential equilibration input. The design goal for these devices was a temp8ral noise volt-age of 15 pV (3500 rms noise holes) referenced to the input. Cooled to 160 K we measured anoise voltage of 16 pV (3750 rms noise holes referenced to the input. The spatial or fixedpattern noise was much larger: 12 mV (2.9x10 rms noise holes) referenced to the input.IntroductionThis paper is divided into 5 sections. First, we describe the architecture and opera-tion of the multiplexer. Second, we describe our noise measurement equipment and procedure,and our device characterization measurements. Third, we make theoretical calculations of theexpected noise values. Fourth, we discuss the experimental measurements on the devices andfifth, we compare the theoretical and experimental results.Description of the multiplexerThelmultiplexer used in these experiments is a four -phase p- surface channel CCD multi-plexer. The device consists of 32 parallel inputs which are multiplexed to a single serialoutput.Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the parallel to serial multiplexing performedby the CCD shift register. The signals to be multiplexed are applied to the input gates.

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