
In order to make a benchmark validation of the nuclear data for Zr, the leakage neutron spectrum from a Zr sphere of a 61-cm diameter was measured between 0.1 and 16MeV using a time-of-flight technique with a 14MeV neutron source facility, OKTAVIAN. The result was compared with the calculation using the Monte Carlo code MCNP-4A. To investigate the spectrum dependence on the individual neutron reactions, test calculations were carried out with the MCNP-4A code using the JENDL-3.2-based libraries, in which partial cross section values were reduced from the original values. From the comparison between the measured and the calculated spectra, it was found that each of the results could predict well the experiment in general. However, in detail, both ENDF/B-VI and EFF-2.4 gave considerable overestimation above 1 MeV. The JENDL-3.2 predicts the spectrum almost satisfactorily except below 0.8 MeV and around 10 MeV. The discrepancy found in JENDL-3.2 calculation is considered due to the cross section values of the (n, 2n) reaction and its secondary energy distributions (SED). The modified JENDL-3.2 library with the reduced (n, 2n) reaction values and the lower SED below 1 MeV reproduced the experiment with better agreement over the whole energy range.

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