
K-27 is a bisquaternary asymmetric pyridinium aldoxime-type cholinesterase reactivator of use in the treatment of poisoning with organophosphorous esterase inhibitors. A sensitive, simple and reliable reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method with electrochemical detection was developed for the measurement of K-27 concentrations in rat brain, cerebrospinal fluid, serum and urine samples. Male Wistar rats were treated intramuscularly with K-27 and the samples were collected 60 min later. Separation was carried out on an octadecyl silica stationary phase and a disodium phosphate solution (pH 3.7) containing citric acid, octane sulphonic acid and acetonitrile served as mobile phase. Measurements were carried out at 30 °C at E ox 0.65 V. The calibration curve was linear through the range of 10–250 ng/mL. Accuracy, precision and the limit of detection calculated were satisfactory according to internationally accepted criteria. Limit of quantitation was 10 ng/mL. The method developed is reliable and sensitive enough for monitoring K-27 levels from different biological samples including as little as 10 μL of cerebrospinal fluid. The method – with slight modification in the composition of the mobile phase – can be used to measure a wide range of other related pyridinium aldoxime-type cholinesterase reactivators.

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