
Coordinates of sources of a radio emission of range of high frequencies using an on-off system azimuth and meridian direction finders are measured by a goniometric method. In the bearing posts active arrays of vertical vibrators and synchronized coherent radio receivers with frequency conversion are used. For minimization of amplitude and phase not identities preliminary calibration of channels of the receiver at frequencies of the taken the bearings signals is executed. By results of measurements average quadratic deviations of coordinates of sources of a radio emission of type of radio stations of meteo-information of airfield networks of the Russian Federation and the neighboring countries, standard frequency stations and time, transmitters of telecode and continuous messages are investigated. The analysis of dependences of achievable accuracy figures of measurements on the space provision of positions of direction finders, lengths of routes and also fluctuations of electro-physical parameters and space distribution of the ionized layers of the atmosphere leading to changes of beam trajectories of distribution and abnormal errors of measurements of the directions of arrival of radio waves to different season and day is carried out. It is shown that in the lower part of range of high frequencies the measurement error of coordinates of sources of a radio emission a goniometric system makes 4.7 %, and in process of approach of frequency to the upper bound of range this indicator increases by 1.2 times. By results of bearing of signals in one point of space and measurements of height of layers of the atmosphere with use of the station of vertical sounding coordinates of sources of a radio emission are determined by a goniometric and range-metering method. Measurements of coordinates of objects by a goniometric and range-metering method can be executed with average quadratic deviation of 11-13 % of range.

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