
Results of experimental measurements are presented for the dependence of the detonation velocity on the charge diameter for homogeneous nitromethane and propylene glycol dinitrate and for the ideal detonation velocities for allyl nitrate, diethlyene glycol dinitrate, methylene glycol dinitrate, and ethyl nitrate. Literature data on measurement of the dependence of the detonation velocity on the charge diameter for liquid TNT, nitroglycerin, glycol dinitrate, and methyl nitrate are collected. It is shown that measured values of the ideal detonation velocity are in good agreement with calculated values obtained by the SD method, which uses the equation of state of materials at a high pressure (see B. N. Kondrikov and A. I. Sumin, Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva, No. 1, 1987). A correlation between the ratio of the critical detonation velocity to the ideal velocity and the heat of explosion is obtained, which makes it possible to estimate the limiting value of the latter at which homogeneous liquid nitrocompounds lose detonatability.

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