
Translation plays a very important role in propagating the message of the Qur’an since the early period of Islam. As a result, there exist many translations of it into various languages, including English. English language translations of the Qur’an are many and widespread. Many people depend on them to understand the meaning of the Qur’an. However, a careful look at many of these translations reveals their inadequacy in expressing the meaning of many Qur’anic words and phrases with multiple dimensions of meaning. Therefore, this paper tried to critically analyse limited sample of English translations of ‘Yad’ as it appears in the Qur’an. Yad is a basic word that has equivalent in almost every language. It was discovered that, there were problems in the translation of yad when it is used figuratively in the Qur’an; a situation when literal/direct translation, which many of the translators subscribe to was inadequate. Therefore, in translating figurative expressions extra care needs to be taken by the translator.


  • ‫‪MMP: and when they feared the consequences there of‬‬ ‫‪AYA: when they repented and saw that they had erred‬‬ ‫‪MA: When they would smite their hands in remorse‬‬ ‫الظاهر أن هذه الترجمات غير حرفية إلا ترجمة ‪

  • Yad is a basic word that has equivalent in almost every language

  • In translating figurative expressions extra care needs to be taken by the translator

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‫الشاملة فوجدنا أنه ورد أكثر من ‪ 130‬مرة‪ .‬وفي معنى "اليد" هنا "اليمين" و"الشمال" و"العضد"‪.‬‬ ‫وورد في مقال بعنوان "الآيات القرآنية في إثبات صفة اليد لله تعالى" أن اليد مضافة إلى الله تعالى في القرآن‬ ‫الكريم وردت في عشر آيات‪ .)2(،‬وهذا القول كما بدالي بعد التثبت صحيح‪ ،‬على الرغم من أن صاحب المقال لم يذكر‬ ‫إلا ستا‪ )1(.‬أما تكررها فهو إحدى عشرة مرة‪ .‬وقد حاول مترجموا القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة النجلييية أن يترجموا كل‬ ‫هذا إلى تلك اللغة‪ .‬ولكن السؤال هو‪ :‬ما مدى تمكن الترجمة من التعبير الصحيح باللغة النجلييية عن معاني هذا‬

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