
A micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) was used to measure three-dimensional mean velocity and turbulence characteristics in a full-scale culvert with spiral corrugations. The culvert was set up in a test bed constructed to examine juvenile salmon passage success in various culvert types. The test culvert was 12.2 m long and 1.83 m in diameter and set at a 1.14% slope. The corrugations were 2.54 cm deep by 7.62 cm peak to peak with a 5° right-handed pitch. Cross-sectional grids of ADV measurements were taken at discharges of 0.028, 0.043, 0.071, 0.099, 0.113, 0.227, and 0.453 m 3/s at nine locations. In the uniform flow region, the centerline velocity profiles were consistent with fully rough turbulent flows and the friction factor was independent of Reynolds number and was very close to theoretical results. Secondary flow induced by the spiral corrugations caused asymmetries in the velocity and turbulence distributions creating a reduced velocity zone (RVZ) on the right side of the culvert as seen looking upstream, which small fish could utilize to aid their upstream passage. Velocity and axial components of turbulence in the RVZ were found to be much less than in mid-channel or on the left of the culvert, and the difference became greater at increased flow rates. In addition, cross-stream and vertical velocity components within the RVZ were small relative to the downstream axial component, while lateral and vertical turbulence intensities were comparable to the axial component. Observations from a concurrent fish passage study showed that more juvenile fish migrate through the right side of the culvert within the RVZ.

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