
In wild-type S. cerevisiae, diploid cells must be heterozygous at the mating-type locus in order to sporulate. In the preceding paper, we described a number of mutants (CSP mutants), isolated from nonsporulating aa and alpha-alpha parent strains, in which sporulation appeared to be uncoupled from control by mating type. The characterization of one of these mutants (CSP1) is now extended to other processes controlled by mating type. This mutant is indistinguishable from alpha-alpha cells and unlike aalpha cells for mating factor production and response, zygote formation, intragenic mitotic recombination, and for X-ray sensitivity. The mutant apparently undergoes a full round of DNA synthesis in sporulation medium, but with delayed kinetics. Only 20% of the cells complete sporulation. Among spores in completed asci, the frequency of both intra- and intergenic recombination is the same as it is for spores produced by aalpha cells. However, experiments in which cells were shifted from sporulation medium back to minimal growth medium gave a frequency of meiotic recombination between ade2 or leu2 heteroalleles only 25% to 29% as high for CSP1 alpha-alpha diploid or CSP1 aa disomic cells as for aalpha diploid or disomic cells. Because the latter result, indicating recombination defectiveness, measured recombinant production in the entire cell population, whereas the result indicating normal recombination sampled only completed spores, we infer that all meiotic recombination events occuring in the population of CSP1 alpha-alpha cells are concentrated in those few cells which complete sporulation. This high degree of correlation between meiotic recombination and the completion of meiosis and sporulation suggests that recombination may be required for proper meiotic chromosome segregation in yeast just as it appears to be in maize and in Drosophila.

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