
This contribution aimed at developing an understanding of student teachers’ conceptions of guided discoveryteaching approaches. A cross-sectional survey design involving eleven secondary mathematics teachers who hadenrolled for an in-service mathematics education degree was used to address the research question: What areundergraduate student teachers’ conceptions of deductive and inductive teaching approaches? Task-based interviewswere used in conjunction with oral interviews as settings for unravelling students’ conceptions of the two teachingapproaches. Drawing in part from Ausbel’s learning theory and Tall’s notion of a met-before, the study also aimed atassessing the students’ level of grasp of fundamental limitation of empirical explorations despite many benefitsassociated with them such as helping in identifying patterns, use in formulation and communicating of conjecture,and providing insights on what needs to be solved. Verbatim transcriptions from follow up interviews and textualdata from task based interviews were subjected to directed content analysis to infer meaning about students’conceptions of guided teaching approaches. Qualitative data analysis using in part Robert Moore’s notion of conceptusage uncovered conceptual limitations that include inconsistencies in student teachers’ definitions of the teachingapproaches, use of specific examples instead of arbitrary mathematical objects in illustrating analytic teaching.Limitations identified should be given attention by mathematics educators in order to increase understanding of theapproaches among teachers. Research studies into factors contributing to limitations identified can go a long way inimproving the teaching and learning of school mathematics.

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