
7 9 nd fuel weighting functions were calculated for the ARMF which agree well with experimental measurements. Reactor physics caIcuIations were made in cylindrical systems consisting of boronstainless-steel flat plates distributed in homogeneous solutions of UO/sub 2/(NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ to compare with critical experiments. Some progress was made in developing calculational methods which can be used with some reliance in the evaluation of possible criticality hazards and in design studies for the ICPP. New MUFT R beryllium decks were developed from basic nuclear data. The use of these decks in MUFT R calculations brought the calculated age more in line with experimental values. The presence of thorium was shown to increase F/sub 1/, the factor that characterizes the 1/E component of the neutron flux, by 60 to 80% in the ARMF. Wires consisting of 1% gold and 99% copper were used as monitors in this measurement. The study of liquid phase sorption of boric acid on three aluminas indicated apprecrable sorptron on two activated aluminas, and neglrgibIe sorption on a hydrated alpha alumina. The sorption was determined at slightly above room temperature. Sample fuel plates of uranium-aluminum alloys and uranium oxidealumrnum cermets were irradiated at 400 degmore » F in the MTR core and post- irradiation annealing tests were conducted at 390 to 650 deg F. Irradiation of 13 UO/sub 2/ Experimental Gas Cooled Reactor fuel capsules in the ETR continued. Total cross section measurements of Pu/sup 238/ were made in the energy region from 0.01 to 20 ev. Resonances were obtained at 2.88, 5.17, 9.96, and 18.6 ev. A survey measurement was taken utilizing the 45-meter flight path, and addrtional resonances were observed at ~60, 70, and 83 ev. A total thermal cross section of ~610 barns was measured. A preliminary resonance activation integral value of 8.4 barns and a thermal activatron cross section of 1.0 barn was obtained for Nb/ sup 94/ activating to 2.03 x 10/sup 4/-year Nb/sup 94/. A resonance integral of 500 barns and a thermal activation cross section of --5 barns was determined for 2.03 x 10/sup 4/year Nb/sup 94/ activating to 35.3-day Nb/sup 95/. A corrected value for the half life of Sb/sup 122m/ was established as 4.2 min. This was reported previously as 3.5 min for the metastable state. Measurements were made to determine changes in the symmetric/asymmetric fission ratio of U/sup 235/ near 0.284-ev resonance. In conjunction with the decay schemes program, computer techniques were developed which permit the caIculation of the complete pulse- height response of a scintillation spectrometer to any radioactive nuclide. This requires only a knowledge of the decay scheme and the measurement parameters for the detector being used. Special techniques were developed in several areas of instrumentation. A constant charge pulse generator allows charge supplied to a capacitor to be constant to 0.1 percent. A line surge protector will completely disconnect transistor equipment from the line 2 milliseconds after the surgc first appears. A fast-scaling 1-microsecond double pulse resolution scaler with 6 decades of electrical and meter readout uses solid state circuit components and can be buiit for 0. An arrangement of a neutron source, a BF/sub 3/ chamber, and appropriate electronics allowed continuous determination of boron concentration in a boric acid chemical loop. A 3-phase oscillator to be used in operation of the velocity selector rotors has a frequency choice from 166 to 500 cps with a short term stability (jitter) less than 1 microsecond. A group of new IBM-650 programs was completed and placed in servicen a general purpose nonlinear least squares fitting program, a program to compute the shape of beta-ray energy distributions, an orbital electron tracing program, an auto-correlation and power spectrum program, and a program to process data from the PAED-24 experiment in the MTR. Work has started on a program for the quantitative analysis of gamma- ray spectra« less

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