
This paper describes the effects of tool deformability, by changing the size of magnetic particles mixed with abrasive, and abrasive type (magnetic abrasive or conventional abrasive) on the material removal mechanism and resulting surface profiles of 316L stainless steel components made by selective laser melting (SLM). The use of large particles (rigid tool) facilitated the removal of material from the peaks of the target surface geometry of the SLM-produced workpiece. The use of small particles (flexible tool) facilitated the removal of material from the target surface along the surface features. The magnetic abrasive gradually removed material from the peaks of the surface features according to the magnetic abrasive contact against the target surface. In contrast, conventional abrasive freely contacted the target surface and removed material from surface according to the magnetic particle contact against the target surface. Magnetic abrasive finishing produces a surface dominated by valleys. In particular, the surface made by the magnetic abrasive showed higher skewness and lower kurtosis than the one made by the conventional abrasive.

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