
AJR:198, April 2012 Larson: Board certification provides a vital service to our profession. Traditionally, the purpose of professional certification has been to assure regulators and the public that professionals are at least meeting minimum professional standards. However, although it is important to have a “floor” for competence, stakeholders are increasingly demanding mechanisms that promote excellence, not just adequacy. Some of the four components of MOC are more geared toward ensuring that radiologists meet the minimum standard and others are better at promoting excellence. I would say that, as they currently exist, components one and two (professional standing, and lifelong learning and self-assessment) probably serve more as minimum standards. Interestingly, although component three (cognitive expertise), including the initial certifying examinations, is structured to serve as a minimum standard, in reality it also promotes excellence. For example, although the 4 hours spent in Louisville might help to screen out the least qualified candidates, that is not the true value of the examination. Rather, far greater value lies in the thousands of hours of deliberate practice candidates spend preparing for the examination. Specifically, the evidence shows that such practice is dramatically more effective at improving performance than work experience alone [1]. Component four (PQI) is a departure from the traditional concept of professional certification. It is completely focused on promoting excellence rather than enforcing minimum standards of competence or compliance. It is going to be an interesting experiment to see whether professional certification can be a vehicle for promoting excellence and innovation. In more market-driven industries, it is typically competition that incentivizes for the high levels of quality assurance and improvement that we are accustomed to. I would say that Masters of Radiology Panel Discussion: Maintaining Maintenance of Certification in the Field of Radiology

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