
Abstract G79.3+0.3 is an infrared dark cloud in the Cygnus-X complex that is home to massive deeply embedded young stellar objects (YSOs). We have produced a Submillimeter Array (SMA) 1.3 mm continuum image and 12CO line maps of the eastern section of G79.3+0.3 in which we detect five separate YSOs. We have estimated physical parameters for these five YSOs and others in the vicinity of G79.3+0.3 by fitting existing photometry from Spitzer, Herschel, and ground-based telescopes to spectral energy distribution models. Through these model fits we find that the most massive YSOs seen in the SMA 1.3 mm continuum emission have masses in the 5–6 M ☉ range. One of the SMA sources was observed to power a massive collimated 12CO outflow extending at least 0.94 pc in both directions from the protostar, with a total mass of 0.83 M ☉ and a dynamical timescale of 23 kyr.

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