
The thermal evolution of decoherence and entanglement of an open quantum system consisting of three uncoupled oscillators is investigated using the Lindblad equation. We consider T and GHZ states as the initial states of the system and a bosonic bath in a thermal equilibrium state as the environment. Using the PPT criterion and the degree of purity, the dependence of the entanglement and decoherence of the system on the parameters of the environment (temperature, dissipation coefficient) and the initial state (noise, squeezing) is investigated. It is observed that the relaxation rate to entanglement sudden death (RRESD) is an increasing function of temperature, dissipation coefficient and noise, while it is a decreasing function of squeezing. In addition, it is observed that decoherence occurs sooner with increase of all the involved parameters. Moreover, by comparing T and GHZ states as initial states of the system, it is observed that the entanglement of the system with GHZ initial states can survive longer.

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