
analysis which in the future may have very important implications for the field of marketing research. This new development is variously known as interindustry relations or input-output analysis. It will not benefit all industries equally. It will be of greatest value in appraising the marketing possibilities for those industries which primarily service or supply other industries, rather than those which sell directly to purchasers of finished goods. Those industries which in the main sell directly to end-product consumers-that is, to consumers, investors, the government, foreign buyers-will find it of minor help for marketing problems, but for these it may afford insight on analysis of probable cost trends. A prerequisite for the use of this approach is the collection in an organized form of a very large amount of quantitative information on purchases and sales among the industrial or processing sectors of the economy. Such a compilation covering the year 1947 has been made. It is the result of work done over the last

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