
1. Introduction In the modern global economy, trade and economic cooperation is a basis for provision of demands of consumers and formation of competitive positions in external markets. Apart from these problems, there is a problem of self-provision of Russian socio-economic system, effectiveness of logistic processes, national security, and striving for independence on import of certain commodity groups, which pre-determines the significance of study of possibilities for import substitution of products and formation of the most effective trajectories of logistic processes and corresponding marketing processes. The 2014-2016 is an answer to a powerful and well-planned external policy of Russia. Patriotic feelings and proud for their country give Russians the strength to cope with hard times and sacrifice their well-being. Still, recession is caused not only by anti-Russian sanctions, reduction of oil prices, financial problems, cost of credits, budget limitations, and other reasons. The main reason is following the economic model based on study of consumption, which failed; consumption growth constituted not 22 % of GDP, but only 6%. Adaptation to crisis does not take place instantly: a consumer's conscience realizes the coming of crisis, panics, tries to refuse it, and then gets used to a certain state of the market--if the relative stability in society is preserved (Akimova, 2014; Breckova, 2016). Marketing dictates what logistics should be. The most important strategic issue consists in finding such combinations of services and level of service that would help concluding the profitable deals. Logistic activities should be viewed on the basis of consumers' needs which constantly change. Success of production enterprise largely depends on the possibilities of logistic servicing of consumers and fulfilling the needs for reliability and functionality. Behavior of consumers as a separate man and as a group is rational--achievement of maximum usefulness. Usefulness is received by people from goods or services. Each consumer, based on his profit, tries to purchase various goods in the quantity and proportions that would bring him maximum from their use. Such behavior of the consumer in the market is called rational. Rational consumer manages his expenses for purchasing goods and services, in order to obtain maximum satisfaction or maximum usefulness. Each consumer wants to have a lot of different benefits. Usefulness, which is within goods and services, is related to qualities and characteristics that allow satisfying the people wishes (Altukhov, 2015). Over the recent decades, formation of sustainable production base was not a key task of domestic economy, as after the transition to market rails it was logical to provide a socio-economic components, sustainable budget financing of population and social needs, so the possibility for attraction of investments into industry and provision of competitiveness of manufactured goods and services in international markets went into the background. However, at the end of 2014, the situation changes radically, and new realia that appeared as a result of directed influence from the world market corrected not only commodity market but logistic processes, which provide its continuous functioning. Most of sectorial Russian and even foreign experts agree that such situation, formed from abroad as a targeted destabilizing influence, provides a wide circle of possibilities for Russian manufacturers, as well as for logistic and other organizations. In our opinion--as that is confirmed by statistics of two recent years--socio-economic situation is leveling, and Russian society, which was used to temporary instability, relives another crisis with honor and patriotism. 2. Theoretical, Informational and Empirical, and Methodological Grounds of the Research The issues of import substitution and price regulation are urgent for Russia, as sanction limitations for the Russia's economy from the USA and the EU are still active (sanctions influence the Russians' payment capacity), as well as anti-sanctions for prohibition of importing certain food products. …

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