
It is generally recognized that marine scientific research plays a fundamental role as a tool for a successful ocean governance as it contributes, inter alia, to the sustainable use of ocean resources, the preservation of the marine environment, and a better general understanding of the earth. For this purpose, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provides a comprehensive international legal framework that regulates the undertaking of marine scientific research activities in different ocean spaces. On the other hand, efforts must be made to ensure that the collected data is actually used by decision-makers when taking informed policy decisions to support an adaptive governance of the oceans. This requires the existence of an effective transfer of knowledge between scientists and decision-makers. However, it has been recorded that there are many barriers to an effective knowledge exchange between scientists and decision-makers. This Chapter will therefore begin by studying the international legal framework for marine scientific research activities and will thereafter analyze the importance of knowledge exchange, the barriers usually faced in achieving a proper transfer of knowledge, as well as possible ways of overcoming these barriers to ensure that marine scientific research can be successfully used as a tool for ocean governance.

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