
Natural products are primal and have been a driver in the evolution of organic chemistry and ultimately in science. The chemical structures obtained from marine organisms are diverse, reflecting biodiversity of genes, species and ecosystems. Biodiversity is an extraordinary feature of life and provides benefits to humanity while promoting the importance of environment conservation. This review covers the literature on marine natural products (MNPs) discovered in Indonesian waters published from January 1970 to December 2017, and includes 732 original MNPs, 4 structures isolated for the first time but known to be synthetic entities, 34 structural revisions, 9 artifacts, and 4 proposed MNPs. Indonesian MNPs were found in 270 papers from 94 species, 106 genera, 64 families, 32 orders, 14 classes, 10 phyla, and 5 kingdoms. The emphasis is placed on the structures of organic molecules (original and revised), relevant biological activities, structure elucidation, chemical ecology aspects, biosynthesis, and bioorganic studies. Through the synthesis of past and future data, huge and partly undescribed biodiversity of marine tropical invertebrates and their importance for crucial societal benefits should greatly be appreciated.


  • Natural products have been the core of the evolution of organic chemistry

  • marine natural products (MNPs) are defined as secondary metabolites produced by marine organisms, both macro- and microorganisms, as responses that are part of their defense strategies, responses to the food chain, or as communication signals with their environment

  • These functions are related to biodiversity, which is considered an important key for obtaining diverse metabolites, the structures of which are responsible for the characteristics of a vast range of chemical reactions, both in living and non-living systems

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Natural products have been the core of the evolution of organic chemistry. About 40 molecules have been detected that have had revolutionary effects and become indispensable for human society [1]. AAlltthhoouugghh IInnddoonneessiiaaannn MMNNPPsss hhaavvee bbeeeenn rreevviieewweedd [[2244––2266]],, tthheerree iiss nnoo cccooommpprreehheennssiivvee rreevviieeww ffrroomm tthhee eeaarrlliieesstt rreesseeaarrcchh ooff IInnddoonneessiiaann MMNNPPss ttoo tthhee pprreesseenntt. The chemical diversity of Indonesian MNPs has been analyzed with respect to carbon skeleton, functional group, rare motif, and atomic diversity. The MNPs are organized into their structural types, consisting of 276 terpenoids (37.7%), 260 alkaloids (35.5%), 60 peptides (8.2%), 13 fatty acids and linear molecules (1.8%), 121 polyketides (16.5%), and 2 carbohydrates (0.3%) (Figure 4B). New MNPs have been discovered from 5 kingdoms, 10 phyla, 14 classes, 32 orders, 64 families, 106 genera, and 94 species (Figure 5A,B) in Indonesian waters over the past 47 years. Iotrochota cf iota Lamellodysidea herbacea Lemnalia carnosa Lobophytum cristagalli Melophlus sarassinorum Neopeterosia cf exigua Penicillium citreonigrum Petrosia sp.

Acridine Alkaloids
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