
We introduce some (anti-) M/D-branes through turning on the corresponding field strengths of the 11- and 10-dimensional supergravity theories over \(\hbox {AdS}_4 \times M^{7|6}\) spaces, where we use \(S^7/Z_k\) and \(CP^3\) for the internal spaces. Indeed, when we add M2/D2-branes on the same directions with the near horizon branes of the Aharony–Bergman–Jafferis–Maldacena model, all symmetries and supersymmetries are preserved trivially. In this case, we obtain a localized object just in the horizon. This normalizable bulk massless scalar mode is a singlet of \(SO(8)\) and \(SU(4) \times U(1)\), and it agrees with a marginal boundary operator of the conformal dimension of \(\Delta _+=3\). However, after performing a special conformal transformation, we see that the solution is localized in the Euclideanized \(\hbox {AdS}_4\) space and is attributable to the included anti-M2/D2-branes, which are also necessary to ensure that there is no back-reaction. The resultant theory now breaks all \({\mathcal {N}}=8,6\) supersymmetries to \({\mathcal {N}}=0\), while the other symmetries are so preserved. The dual boundary operator is then set up from the skew-whiffing of the representations \(\mathbf 8 _s\) and \(\mathbf 8 _v\) for the supercharges and scalars, respectively, while the fermions remain fixed in \(\mathbf 8 _c\) of the original theory. Besides, we also address another alternate bulk to boundary matching procedure through turning on one of the gauge fields of the full \(U(N)_k \times U(N)_{-k}\) gauge group along the same lines with a similar situation to the one faced in the AdS\(_5\)/CFT\(_4\) correspondence. The latter approach covers the difficulty already faced with in the bulk–boundary matching procedure for \(k=1,2\) as well.


  • We first found a membrane instanton [4]

  • By making use of some ansatzes for the 4-form field strength and EOM of the 11-dimensional (11d on) supergravity over AdS4 × S7, when S7 is considered as a S1 fiberation on C P3, we arrived at a localized object in the bulk of Euclideanized AdS4 (EAdS4) space

  • We argue that the basic solutions preserve all supersymmetries provided that the associated M2/D2-branes are added on the same directions as the original branes in the near horizon limit of the ABJM model

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We first found a membrane instanton [4]. by making use of some ansatzes for the 4-form field strength and EOM of the 11-dimensional (11d on) supergravity over AdS4 × S7, when S7 is considered as a S1 fiberation on C P3, we arrived at a localized object in the bulk of Euclideanized AdS4 (EAdS4) space. There, we discussed a little the uplifting of the 10d ansatz to 11 dimensions, and we argued that the solution was at least not valid for k = 1, 2, where the R-symmetry is enhanced to S O(8) Another interesting hint was that we could use the boundary gauge fields to find the corresponding solution to the bulk. 2, we deal with the gravity side of the study, where we include the needed materials of the involved supergravity theories, ansatzes for the form fields both in 10 and 11 dimensions, associated supergravity spectra, clear solutions, charges, actions, and other related gravitational discussions.

On gravity side aspects
Ten-dimensional ansatzes and solutions
On ansatzes and solutions in 11 dimensions
On field theory aspects
Matching the bulk solutions to the boundary
Boundary solutions and correspondence
The bulk solution from the Chern–Simon action
Summary and comments
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