
The adoption of alternative farming practices is regenerates production methods towards new directions, while comprises a new development path for less favoured areas (LFAs). Engaging in off-farm income generation activities can create new standards for employment, new professions and new midd le-c lass employees that will support development despite the downturn in trad itional agricultural activities. The present study examines the attitudes and perceptions of landowners regarding various options for rural development and the existence of alternative prospects for enhancing primary production, family income and, consequently, quality of life. Primary data were gathered through personally administered interviews (using a structured questionnaire) in the prefectures of Rodopi and Evros that were analyzed through multivariate data analysis methods. The results indicate the non-existence of significant d ifferences between the two regions. The majority of respondents consider the state and political parties as being responsible for environmental problems and they argue that future regional development may depend on agriculture and livestock production. Furthermore, most of them wish to engage in alternative crops like truffle, pomegranate and dogwood and the reasons behind such a decision are the competitive profile of and increased demand for such products, along with state subsidies.

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