
Programmable media processors have been emerging to meet the continuously increasing computational demand in complex digital media applications, such as HDTV and MPEG-4, at an afford- able cost. These media processors provide the flexibility to imple- ment various image computing algorithms along with high perfor- mance, unlike the hardwired approach that has provided high performance for a particular algorithm, but lacks flexibility. However, to achieve high performance on these media processors, a careful and sometimes innovative design of algorithms is essential. In ad- dition, programming techniques, e.g., software pipelining and loop unrolling, are needed to speed up the computations while the data flow can be optimized using a programmable DMA controller. In this paper, we describe an algorithm for two-dimensional convolution, which can be implemented efficiently on many media processors. Implemented on a new media processor called the MAP1000, it takes 7.9 ms to convolve a 5123512 image with a 737 kernel, which is much faster than the previously reported software-based convolution and is comparable with the hardwired implementations. High performance in two-dimensional convolution and other algo- rithms on the MAP1000 clearly demonstrates the feasibility of software-based solutions in demanding imaging and video applica- tions. © 2000 SPIE and IS&T. (S1017-9909(00)00203-8)

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