
Conservation area has diverse biodiversity in term of ecosystem, species and genetic variability. Forest and land fire is one of the problems that occur in conservation areas. Forest and land fire incidents occurred almost every year in Alas Purwo National Park. The most extensive forest fires occurred in 2014, affecting area of about 189.43ha. Geographic Information System (GIS) is one tool that can be used to assess the vulnerability of Alas Purwo National Park to forest and land fire. The purpose of this study was to develop a forest and land fire vulnerability map of Alas Purwo National Park on the basis of spatial-based variables. Variables being used in mapping vulnerability to forest fire in APNP (Alas Purwo National Park) were distance from road, distance from village, surface temperature, slope, NDVI, and NDMI. The mapping used weighing factor for each variable being used. Weighing factor of fire vulnerability is 18*Distance from road + 18*Distance from village + 13*Land cover + 18*Surface temperature + 12*NDVI + 14*NDMI + 7*Slope. Vulnerability to forest fire in APNP was divided into four levels, namely low vulnerability on area size of 1 605.31ha, moderate vulnerability on area size of 33 564.68ha, high vulnerability on area size of 4 969.84ha, and very high vulnerability on area size of 1.12ha.

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