
Healthcare data sources collect and report various kinds of health data related to routine service delivery, patient-based care, resources related to infrastructure, human resources and finance. Typically, in developing countries, multiple sources are used for the provision of healthcare data, and these include national health surveys, census and civil registration systems, and routine reporting systems. In addition, rapid infusion of information technology has increased adoption of management information systems in public health programs. During the last decade, India has witnessed a sharp rise in the number of healthcare data sources as identified in this review. These sources have increased data availability in multiple data deficient areas. However, the careful appraisal indicates data gaps in numerous important areas. These sources also suffer from inherent quality, coverage and standardisation issues. To overcome these challenges, remedial measures include the development of a national healthcare data plan, a survey calendar, designation of a nodal survey agency, adoption of indicator dictionary, adequate capacity building, and increased coordination among stakeholders.

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