
The partial singles L 3 photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) main line of Ni metal correlated with Auger electrons emitted by the localized L 3-VV Auger decay is calculated by a many-body theory. The partial singles L 3 PES main line of Ni metal almost coincides in both line shape and peak kinetic energy (KE) with the singles one. The former main line peak shows a KE shift of only 0.01 eV toward the lower KE and a very small asymmetric line shape change compared to the singles one. The asymmetric line shape change and the peak KE shift of the partial singles L 3 main line are very small. However, they are due to the variation with photoelectron KE in the branching ratio of the partial Auger decay width in the partial singles L 3 PES main line by the photoelectron KE dependent imaginary part of the shakeup self-energy. The L 3 PES main line of Ni metal measured in coincidence with the L 3-VV ( 1G) Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) main line peak is the partial singles one modulated by a spectral function R a of a fixed energy Auger electron analyzer so that it should show only a symmetric line narrowing by R a compared to the singles one. The L 3 PES main line peak of Ni metal measured in coincidence with the delocalized band-like L 3-VV AES peak or not completely split-off (or not completely localized) L 3-VV ( 3F) AES peak, will show an asymmetric line narrowing and a KE shift compared to the singles one. Thus, the L 3 PES main line of Ni metal in coincidence with various parts of the L 3-VV AES spectrum depends on which part of the L 3-VV AES spectrum a fixed energy Auger electron analyzer is set. The experimental verification is in need.

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