
Manipulating seed physiological age is an effective method to alter tuber set and size distribution for many cultivars. However, cultivars Cal White, Red La Soda, Chieftain, Yukon Gold, and Satina were largely insensitive to high temperature-induced age-priming treatments. Gibberellins (GA) also have potential for altering tuber set and size development. When applied to cut seed of the five cultivars, GA hastened plant emergence, increased stem and tuber numbers per plant, and decreased average tuber size. The optimum concentration of GA for shifting tuber size distribution to maximize crop value without decreasing total yield depended on cultivar. Total yields decreased substantially in all cultivars with 10 mg L−1 GA but lower concentrations (0.5–4 mg L−1) either increased yields of Red La Soda, Yukon Gold, Chieftain and Satina by 11, 13, 15, and 24 %, respectively, or had no effect (Cal White). GA-induced increases in tubers per hectare ranged from zero (Cal White, Satina) to 36 % (Chieftain) and associated increases in yields of premium priced creamer size potatoes (C size; 10–66 g, 28–51 mm diameter) ranged from 0 to 140 %, depending on cultivar and length of the growing season. Increases in total crop values ranged from 7 to 30 % (Chieftain) with the optimum concentrations of GA, which also varied by cultivar. Effective use of GA to alter tuber size distribution for increased value depends on cultivar, concentration, and harvest timing.

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