
Animals have evolved diverse comminuting tools. While vertebrates possess mineralized teeth, insect mandibles often bear metal-inclusion-hardened serrated cusps. Microscopic dental enamel wear (microwear) is known to be caused by contact with ingesta. To test if insect mandible microwear is also diet-dependent, we kept newly moulted adult two-spotted crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) for four weeks on alfalfa-based rodent pellets with and without added mineral abrasives (loess, quartz, volcanic ash). Six crickets per diet were examined after 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. All diets induced progressive mandible wear, affecting specific locations along the distal tooth cusps differently. The depth of furrows increased on most abrasive-containing diets until day 21, while wear mark complexity increased from day 1 to 3 and 14 to 21. After 28 days, these parameter values for large volcanic ash and large quartz diets significantly exceeded those for the control diet. These results are comparable to observations from guinea pig feeding experiments with the same diets. Cricket mandible wear was affected by all abrasives. Notably, large volcanic ash and large quartz induced the deepest, most complex lesions, akin to observations in guinea pigs. This suggests a universal wear process, supporting that microwear analyses are suitable for inferring invertebrate diets.

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