
The screen as a computer, mobile phone, tablet or television is a piece of present day life. Expanded screen time is related with heftiness, pernicious impacts on temperament and subjective and socio-enthusiastic advancement, prompting poor instructive execution in kids and thus ought to be diminished to 1-2 hours per day. Drawn out TV seeing brings down psychological capacities, particularly identified with momentary memory, early reading and math aptitudes and language development. Gaming animates outrage, viciousness, weight, epilepsy and social segregation in kids and teenagers. Enjoying over the top on line shopping is a type of web enslavement and has been named as Pathological purchasing and has a hidden patho-physiology of delight chasing or departure of negative feelings and intellectual instruments like impulsivity, disappointment in self-guideline, or basic leadership deficiencies. Extreme utilization of social networking sites like Facebook and texting Apps like WhatsApp has prompted compulsion causing well-being impacts as headache, low backache, obesity, burning eyes, insomnia, exhaustion, lowers self-esteem and causes depression. This review article examined the different well-being impacts of the expanding screen time in the cutting edge time and prescribes screen time to be constrained to 1-2 hours in a day and a break from the 'screen' during weekends and family travels

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