
Climate change is projected to alter the growing conditions of groundnut crop differently in different regions of India. The CROPGRO-Groundnut model was used to quantify the impact of climate change on the productivity of groundnut at three sites (Anantapur, Mahboobnagar and Junagadh) in India.Increase in temperature significantly (p<0.05) decreased pod yield of groundnut at all the sites by 2050. But the net effect of changes in temperature, rainfall and CO2 was 4% decrease in yieldat Anantapur and 11% increase at both Mahboobnagar and Junagadh. A number of agronomic practices evaluated under climate change atAnantapur showed that the maximum increase in yield was simulated with supplemental irrigation, followed by delay in sowing and growing a longer maturity variety. At Mahboobnagar, the maximum yield gain was with delayed sowing, followed by growing a longer maturity variety, supplemental irrigation and application of crop residues. At Junagadh, the yield increase was the maximum with supplemental irrigation, followed by application of crop residues. It is concluded that the relative contribution and prioritization of agronomic practices to increase groundnut yield under climatechange varied with the region and the CROPGRO-Groundnut modelwas useful in quantifying such benefits.

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