
Urethral stricture is a disease condition in which there is the narrowing of the lumen of the urethra. In established conventional medicine, the treatment includes urethral dilation, urethrotomy, and urethroplasty having varied prognoses. As per the Ayurvedic perspective, the condition can be correlated with Mutrapraseka sankocha (~urethral stricture). Uttarabasti (~intra urethral douche) is one of the effective procedures for urethral stricture. A single case study of 24-year-old male patient suffering from urethral stricture for four years has been illustrated here. The patient had complaints of straining during micturition, burning and dribbling micturition, and unsatisfactory urination along with the increased frequency of micturition. The patient has taken conventional treatment without significant improvement and approached for Ayurvedic treatment. After taking a detailed history and thorough examination, it was planned to administer Uttarabasti using the combination of Tila taila (10 ml), Saindhavadi taila (3 ml), Yavakshara taila (2 ml) for eight days along with Gokshuradi guggulu (500 mg) twice a day with lukewarm water, and Varunadi kwatha (30 ml) twice a day with an equal amount of water internally for 30 days. The patient showed remarkable improvement after the treatment. This therapeutic interventional case study revealed that Uttarabasti for eight sittings along with internal drugs provides significant relief in symptoms of urethral stricture.

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