
ABSTRACT Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an important vegetable crop grown all over India. Its productivity is quite low and the crop is known to suffer from several diseases. Among them, root and bulb rot is animportant one. It causes severe damage to the crop, particularly in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Hence the present investigation was carried out to find out best management of the disease. Amongdifferent treatments, the highest bulb yield 7778 kg/ha and the lowest disease incidence 7.39 % wereobserved in seed treatment of Trichodermaharzianum @ 30 g/kg seed + soil application of T. harzianum @ 2.5 kg in 500 kg FYM/ha + drenching with T. harzianum @ 5 g/lit at 15 DAS.

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