
To evaluate the management of a series of eyes with magnetic intravitreal foreign bodies. This retrospective review examined consecutive cases of ocular injury associated with intraocular foreign bodies; 71 eyes included had a single metallic intraocular foreign body (< 5 mm) located in the vitreous cavity removed by external magnet or intraocular forceps. Variables included preoperative and postoperative visual acuity, retinal break formation, retinal detachment, presence of an afferent pupillary defect, intraocular pressure, entrance site, foreign body size, method of extraction, and time between occurrence and surgical extraction. Factors predictive of good visual outcome (visual acuity > 20/200) were: shortest interval between trauma and foreign body extraction, preoperative visual acuity of 20/200 or better, and absence of afferent pupillary defect. In this nonrandomized study, good visual results could be obtained in eyes undergoing prompt foreign body removal, especially those with good preoperative visual acuity and no afferent pupillary defect.

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