
Purpose: To analyze clinical manifestations, management, and visual outcome in cases with globe perforation due to variable etiologies. Material and Methods: Fifty cases (35 males and 15 females) were included in the study. Out of the fifty cases, 5 cases had perforation after giving posterior subtenon's injection, 2 cases had after injecting subconjunctival gentamycin and dexamethasone, 35 cases after peribulbar anesthesia, 4 cases while taking suture during retinal detachment (RD) surgery, and 4 while making scleral tunnel in RD surgeries. A total of 41 patients underwent vitrectomy, from which 37 patients had vitrectomy with fluid–gas exchange and endolaser and 4 patients had vitrectomy with scleral buckle and silicon oil. Five patients underwent indirect argon laser photocoagulation to seal the retinal break, and in 4 cases, scleral buckle were placed and cryotherapy was done. Results: The final visual acuity after a mean follow-up of 6 months was better than 20/30–20/40 in 28 patients, between 20/40 and 20/60 in 5 patients, and 20/120–20/200 in 17 patients. Conclusion: If diagnosed early and treated adequately, a majority of patients with globe perforation could be saved with a good visual outcome.

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