
The constant expansion of the fields of application of artificial intelligence technologies requires deliberate support to enhance their positive effects on the economy and society while reducing potential risks and negative consequences through the development and practical implementation of the principles of ethical and responsible management. Based on a comparative analysis, the experience of international organizations and leading countries of the world regarding the development and practical implementation of the principles of ethical, reliable, safe, and socially responsible design, implementation and use of technologies and systems of artificial intelligence in various sectors of the economy and spheres of activity are summarized. The content of the concept of artificial intelligence is clarified and the main tasks of developing unified principles and management methods based on the use of internationally recognized standards are defined. The peculiarities of the processes of development and introduction of principles and standards in different countries of the world are characterized and their periodization is carried out. The main types of organizational and management structures that manage the implementation, use and ensuring international compatibility of artificial intelligence technologies and systems are classified and characterized. The main approaches of international organizations and governments of individual countries regarding the development of legislative and regulatory acts in the field of regulation and control over the use of artificial intelligence are highlighted. The task of regulatory and control bodies to ensure the reliable use of artificial intelligence and reduce risks is defined. Recommendations have been developed for Ukraine regarding the management of artificial intelligence based on the use of value-based principles, the use of which will contribute to strengthening the digital sovereignty of the country, accelerating the recovery of the economy, and increasing the level of international competitiveness.

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