
Headache is the most common health problem experienced by mankind. In that, around 40% of individuals worldwide are suffering from migraine headache which results in severe disabling condition. W.H.O has ranked migraine as number 19 among all diseas es worldwide causing disability. According to I nternational H eadache S ociety , Migraine constitutes 16% of the primary headache and affects approximately 10 - 20 % of general population (Ab ou t 15% of women and 6% of men are the sufferers of migraine). Migraine can be defined as benign, recurring syndrome of headache, nausea, vomiting and/or other symptoms of neurological dysfunction in varying admixtures. The symptom complex of which similates with Ardhavabhedaka is one among the 11 types of shiroroga. The trea tment protocol of contemporary science are not acceptable due to their drawbacks and they also cause drug dependence, relapse of headache within hours etc. beside this, the text Charaka samhita mentions Nasya karma as the master key for all shirorogas. So, this study has been carried out with an objective to evaluate the combined efficacy of shatah vadi taila nasya karma with Tablet Nimbadi guggulu and Mashadi kashaya in the ma nagement of Ardhavabhedaka vis - a - vis Migraine. The study had been carried out in 3 0 patients under a single group for a period of 30 days with pre, mid and post test. Overall assessment showed statistically highly significant results with the p value 0.000.

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