
Relevance. Vegetable beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) – a valuable high-protein culture, which has multilateral use in the national economy, is recommended for dietary nutrition. The protein content in green beans and seeds varies from 18 to 30%, which in terms of amino acid composition is at the level of protein in milk and meat.The aim of the research is to create a new indeterminate medium-late resistant to major diseases varieties for farms growing that provide fresh produce (green beans) with a long fruiting period, without fiber and parchment in the leaflets of the green bean.Methods. Studies were carried out from 2008 to 2018 on breeding fields of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (Moscow Region, Odintsovo District). Scientific work was started in 2013 with an individual selection from collection sample No. 90K (Republic of Crimea). Since 2015, the constant form was propagated with a two-year test of offspring. All the necessary phenological, biometric and phytopathological observations and counts were performed according to the methods generally accepted for this culture.Results. The article presents data on a new variety of vegetable beans Malume of indeterminate (curly) type of growth. As a result of competitive variety testing in the conditions of the Central Non-chernozem Zone since 2018 to 2019, against a natural infectious background, the new variety significantly exceeded the Fatima standard for the yield of green beans and seeds, was characterized by a high content of mono-, the amount of sugars, starch, and was resistant to major diseases. At the end of 2019 year transferred to the State Variety Test.

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