
We presented territorial male three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, two stationary dummies simultaneously, each simulating an equally gravid female. Both dummies featured the head-up orientation indicative of a sexually receptive female but differed in more subtle aspects of posture. In one dummy the back and tail were moulded in a relaxed straight posture and the other was moulded with the raised tail and concave back posture (lordosis), which mating tests revealed to be a strong predictor of spawning readiness in females. Males courted both dummies but directed more to the lordosis posture. Male sticklebacks thus recognize and respond appropriately to relatively subtle features of female posture in addition to other cues such as the head-up angle and dorsal barring reported in earlier studies. Physiological or morphological constraints may make the lordosis posture a reliable, and hence relatively honest, indicator of spawning readiness in females. Males may therefore enhance their fitness by preferentially courting females that assume this posture. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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