
The capacity of Plasmodia to synthesize sialic acids was investigated by adding radioactive acetate to short-term in vitro cultures of the intraerythrocytic asexual forms of three malaria parasites (the human malaria Plasmodium falciparum in Aotus trivirgatus erythrocytes; the simian malaria P. knowlesi in rhesus monkey erythrocytes; the rodent malaria P. berghei in mouse erythrocytes) and to cultures of extracellular zygotes of the avian malaria P. gallinaceum. Radioactive acetate was added to normal rhesus monkey erythrocytes and to cells of the murine myeloma NS-1 for comparison. Although [1-14C]-acetate labeled many proteins with each malaria parasite and the NS-1 cells, analysis of purified sialic acids revealed that only with the NS-1 cells was radioactivity incorporated into sialic acids. Furthermore, N-acetyl[6-3H]mannosamine was not incorporated into sialic acids or malarial glycoproteins when added to P. knowlesi cultures. All of the malaria parasites underwent growth or differentiation during these experiments as measured by [35S]methionine uptake into protein and by light microscopy. Extracellular parasites largely free of erythrocyte membranes were prepared to determine whether Plasmodia contain sialic acids that are not labeled by exogenous precursors. Purified merozoites of P. knowlesi and zygotes of P. gallinaceum did not contain detectable amounts of sialic acids on chemical analysis. Thus, although we could show that Plasmodia can incorporate radioactive sugars such as glucosamine, galactose and mannose into proteins, presumably glycoproteins, they do not synthesize sialic acids or sialo-glycoproteins, nor do they contain sialo-glycoconjugates of host origin.

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