
This study researches the meanings of implicit utterances in Mat Luthfi’s vlog. This qualitative study employs relevance theory, a linguistics-based theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson drawn from the discipline of pragmatics. This theory foregrounds three main concepts comprising the role of context, cognitive effects and processing efforts. The research data consists of implicit dialogue uttered by characters in the video. Data were identified, transcribed, and subsequently analysed based on Relevance Theory. Library research was also used to further explore the implicit and Relevance Theory-based expressions. The findings show that there are ten utterances in the vlogs with implicit elements. These in turn indicate that the speaker wished to convey specific messages to listeners. This study explains that in the Malay community, utterings are various in meaning and are not merely confined to their literal meanings for correct understanding and interpretation. Hence, the meaning of an utterance is more easily understood when interpreted using the Relevance Theory.

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