
The freedom struggle in Jammu and Kashmir is having peculiar character, embedded with religious, cultural, geographical and 'Nationalistic Maxims', to upkeep our prestige and honour as Algerians, Palestinians and others have done. The battle between India and Kashmiris is like an elephant and a mosquito. An elephant is a huge animal [with strong body, large tusks, long trunk and broad ears], is distracted by a small mosquito. The mosquito does not have any weight before giant elephant. Commonly the combat between small creature and a large animal is unequal and funny. But mosquito engages elephant [stealthily, secretly and furtively — to others it looks like a lame man attempting to scale Mount Everest]. But mosquito maintains its cool, perseverance and dedication tries to overcome impediments and raises hurdles in the race of running down mammoth elephant. India having military might, powerful diplomatic channels is of course like an elephant. In case of guerilla warfare — were a small group engages enemy with much larger capability and fights armies much bigger in size — main objective of guerilla is to engage enemy and secure political motives, which may include political ideology, re-establishment of lost nationhood or fight against oppression and exploitation. The guerilla tries to win his political motives by operating and acting on three fronts — political, military and economic. If only five percent of the population supports the resistance struggle, it will yield hundred percent results, however education and health services should not get affected and thus excluded from the ambit of resistance struggle in terms of strikes, etc.

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